Sunday, September 30, 2007

a real reader

oh yeah, of course after my "ME" post, I forgot to announce the most exciting thing that happened to us this September...Sophia is officially a reader! As she says it "I'm not a guessing reader but a real REAL reader!!"

we're both very proud...she has wanted this so badly, all on her own, no pressure from anyone. she worked and worked at it, and then it just started clicking. oh and she loves to say "and I'm not even four and a half" (which now, as of today, she IS, so it was pretty funny that she got it a few weeks before that date, and was bragging about it!).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:13 AM


    I saw your post on unschoolers and have read some of your blog. I was a single mom for 8 years with two young boys. At that time I knew I wanted to spend more time with them but of course had to work. I have now been married to a wonderful man for 12 years who had a daughter and we had two more boys whom I unschool. We both decided that I would stay home even when we could use another income. I believe that God put that yearning in my heart to spend more time with my children and have seen the fruits of it. I am now a new grandmother to a sweet one-month old baby girl and her mother plans to stay home with her for her first year.

    I was touched by your blog about your twin baby. Many moms I know gave their babies names because we believe in heaven and that we will get to see all of our loved ones someday. I think you are a wonderful mom and you have a beautiful little girl. My oldest boy and I are very close because he was 3 when I divorced and I was pregnant with my second boy (the same one who made me a grandma).

    I'm sorry I can't point you towards any real solution to keeping your daughter out of school. Maybe your family's offer is your answer for now. If someone can watch her at home during the day you can homeschool her in the evening. At this age all she really needs is someone to love her and
    and hold her. Teachers and daycare workers are not allowed to give hugs or get too attached.

    You can email me if you like:
