Tuesday, November 15, 2005

a blog, how hip is that?!

Alright, I succumb...I've finally given in to the urge to make a blog. Everyone needs an outlet right? I used to journal, now I have a child. But have been doing some thinking lately that I need to spend a little bit of reflective time everyday, to clear the mind, review my day, give gratitude for the ways in which I made life wonderful today (thanks Marshall! www.cnvc.org). So this is it. And perhaps will double as a gift, a legacy of memory to hand down to my daughter someday.

Oh yeah, so who is Hip Mama? Me, Laura, age 35 now, single mom to the lovely Hip Babe, Sophia, age 2.5. We live in Portland, OR, just moved here a few months ago from Santa Barbara, CA, my warm and sunny home for the past 12-13 years. But more on that later!

and...cut, publish, that's a wrap!!


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the blogging joy commence!!!!!

  2. Wahoooooooooooooooo!
