it's been a while since i have posted, got caught up in my crazy life. i was feeling pretty low, really at my lowest point as a mother ever. in a depressed, overwhelmed moment one night last week, i ordered chinese takeout. used to always be comfort food for me, but here i hadn't yet found a local favorite chinese place. had a few not so lovely tries, and hadn't thought of it in a while. so anyway, i really wanted chinese and thought i'd give the one nearest my house a try. it's named uninspiringly "norm's garden" and so far, i'd had a bias that anyone named norm could not make authentic, good chinese food. but i got totally blown away, it was GOOD! sophia and i gobbled it down, saying "um yum yum" the whole time between bites. it was great.
then i got to the homemade fortune cookies. and here's what i got:

incorrect gender reference aside, this is actually the fortune cookie i got. i did not photoshop that! well this smith can take a hint...that one little 2.25 x 0.5 inch piece of paper was all i needed to remember that it's me who creates my reality, i'm in charge here and this ship needed some serious turning around! things started looking up from that point on.
and thank god, norm makes a bitchin mu goo gai pan!