Thursday, January 19, 2006

And speaking of reading...

OK got a crazy call tonight from my doctor, who apparently doesn't know how to read mammograms, and they want me to come back in soon for another round. There's a disparity between what the radiologist told me and what the dr sees there so I need to go back in. Lucky for us, I'm at the end of my menstrual cycle so the little bugger is bigger than ever, shouldn't be hard to spot. It actually feels lumpier than before, or bumpy, so that's odd and I haven't told them that yet.

I got a "mostly" good news report last week that it was likely just a clogged milk duct from Sophia's recent and rapid self-weaning. She just decided there was no more milk in there and told me so, then nursed a few more times over a few weeks and was done. So they said likely some milk is backed up in there and forming a little cyst, which should be monitored for 3 months and then drained by needle aspiration if necessary. Could even clear up with a few menstrual cycles, or could get worse, so we have to keep on top of it.

Tonight, the doctor called and told me they are unclear and want to retest. For those who have had the old boob-o-smoosh-o-rama fest, I've got smallish breasts (but boy I loved nursing, they were up 2 whole cup sizes for a good 3 years there!!) and the lump is high, above the fleshy part of the breast so difficult to capture it in the smooshy plastic chomper thing. If you haven't had one, just imagine trying to make a Xerox of your breast sideways, but the thing that is pressing down is like a machine driven vise smooshes your breast flat so they can take a picture, and you have to stand still, topless, and not breathe while this thing compacts you with pressure. Maybe not so pressure-y for larger breasted women, but I was leaning in with all my might just to get the lump area in. Of course there are other pains with larger breasts in the chomp vise, but I will just stop here!

Anyway, as I've said, I'll keep you posted. Funny tidbit, Sophia started puking when the doctor was telling me that a sign? OK gross enough, and TMI for one post, eh?

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